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Essence of Bhagavad Gita
In the battle field when the epic Mahabharatha battle was about to begin, Arjuna asked his charioteer Lord Krishna to drive the chariot closer to the enemy’s army so that he could get a full glimpses of who are all there in the forefront of the enemy’s camp. Lord Krishna drove the chariot into the midst of the two armies assembled in the battle field.

A Bird's View of Hinduism (Sanaathana Dharma)
Hinduism is one of the oldest surviving religion (although it is not a religion as the other one-man one-book religions, but a comprehensive way of life weaved around spiritual evolutionary instinct of mankind) and the third largest followed one and a living one too.
Types of Meditation
Meditation is nothing but mental repetition of a chosen benign word of high cosmic vibration, with closed eyes, without moving tongue and lips, with simple and easy concentration.
JAPA is nothing but repetition of a pure divine name or a trait or a mantra (a Sanskrit divine word or a phrase, repeated again and again is called MANTRA) associated with UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS.
Yagnanaam Japayagnosmi “, meaning, ” Among all the spiritual practicses, Japa (Meditation) is MYSELF ” – Lord Krishna at stanza 25 of chapter 10 of Bhagavadhgeetha.

What is meditation
The subconscious mind is the storehouse of accumulated tensions, pressures and Karma (sum of actions and reactions) of innumerable past lives. Some of these hidden forces, depending upon the condition of the mind and body on a given day, are flushed out during Meditation in thought forms.