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Natural Meditation - II

Natural Meditation
Natural Meditation

In Natural Meditation-II, the attention of the mind is focused on one’s own breathing-rhythm. As breathing is limited to the physical body, the benefits are also limited.

How to Practice Natural Meditation - II?
  1. Sit comfortably either on a chair having a perpendicular back so that your back is straight or you may sit on the floor spreading a blanket.

  2. Make sure that you are sitting comfortably.

  3. Now, inhale and exhale deeply (Natural Deep breathing) about 10-15 times.

  4. Now, close your eyes and easily focus the attention of your mind on your breathing-rhythm (inhaling and exhaling process) and continue to follow your breathing rhythm with attention.

  5. Keep your eyes closed all the time and also do not move your tongue and lips till the end of Meditation.

  6. Open your eyes after 30 minutes of Meditation and get on with your activities.

What Happens during this Meditation?

As The happenings and effects of this Meditation are similar to those of Natural Meditation - I to a limited extent, all the instructions given under “further instructions” of Natural Meditation - I hold good here also.

The benefits of this Meditation is highly limited because the breathing is only limited to the body and not to the Consciousness. The Consciousness does not require prana or the breathing.

Those who have adopted this form of Meditation may switch over to Natural Meditation – I in course of time.


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The objective of this Website is to further the evolutionary instincts of Man in Physical, Mental, Philosophical, Spiritual and Social spheres of life.

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- M. Mohan Sundar

About Author

The author Mr. M. Mohan Sundar is a an attorney / advocate by profession.

Having deep interest in the philosophy and spirituality of life, he has gone very deep into it and after several decades of his spiritual pursuit at Himalayas, he has brought out his experiences in the form of books and booklets, so that common people can easily practice true spiritual practices like Meditation, etc. and derive immense benefits out of it, not only improving psychologically, physiologically, sociologically but also spiritually.

All is being done free of cost for the well being of mankind in all spheres of life.

He is a karma yogi in life but also preaching Jnana Yoga (path of high spiritual knowledge) to the people who are very much in the worldly life doing their karma yoga.

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