Bhagavad Gita continued:
Stanza 76:
इहैव तैर्जितः सर्गो येषां साम्ये स्थितं मनः ।
निर्दोषं हि समं ब्रह्म तस्माद्ब्रह्मणि ते स्थिताः ॥
He whose mind is established in the Supreme Being, such a person develops equanimity because the Supreme Being is free from all blemishes and IT is EQUAL.
Stanza 77 & 78 :
शक्नोतीहैव यः सोढुं प्राक्शरीरविमोक्षणात् ।
कामक्रोधोद्भवं वेगं स युक्तः स सुखी नरः ॥
लभंते ब्रह्मनिर्वाणमृषयः क्षीणकल्माषाः ।
छिन्नद्वैधा यतात्मानः सर्वभूतहिते रताः ॥
He who has neutralized lust, greed , anger, selfishness, jealous, arrogance and infatuation, and washed away all his sins (karma) through knowledge and established in his SELF (through Meditation), and committed to the wellbeing of all living beings , such a person is a Yogi and he will attain the Supreme Bliss.
Stanza 79:
भोक्तारं यज्ञतपसां सर्वलोकमहेश्वरम् ।
सहृदं सर्वभूतानां ज्ञात्वा मां शान्तिमृच्छति ॥
He who realises through Meditation that I AM the master of the creation and pervading in every living Being without variation, such a person will attain Supreme peace (by being positively disposed off towards all the living beings).
Stanza 80:
अनाश्रितः कर्मफलं कार्यं कर्म करोति यः ।
स संन्यासी च योगि च न निरग्निर्न चाक्रियः॥
One who does right action (action in accordance with righteousness) without bothering about its result with equanimity state, such a person is a true renunciant and a yogi. He who dons renunciant cloths , gives up fire (giving up cooking and living on alms is mandatory for monk order) or one who gives up ACTION totally seeking salvation, cannot become a yogi.
Stanza 81:
युक्ताहारविहारस्य यक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु ।
युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दुःखहा ॥
He who is moderate in his food, sleep, wakefulness, and tries to do appropriate action, such a person will be successful in attaining yoga.
Stanza 82:
यतो यतो निश्चरति मनश्चंचलमस्थिरम् ।
ततस्ततो नियम्यैतदात्मन्येव वशं नयेत् ॥
The nature of the mind is to constantly move from one thought to another in the process of thinking. A practitioner of yoga should try to divert this movement inward through Meditation (focussing towards self through the repetition of a divine name or mantra) .
Stanza 83:
यदा विनियतं चित्तमात्मन्येवावतिष्ठते ।
निःस्पृहः सर्मकामेभ्यो युक्त इत्युच्यते तदा ॥
He whose mind is fully absorbed and established in his own consciousness (Self), for him all the worldly desires evaporate and such a person becomes a Yogi.
Stanza 84:
प्रशांतमनसं ह्येनं योगिनं सुखमुत्तमम् ।
उपैति शान्तरजसं ब्रह्मभूतमकल्मषम् ॥
He whose mind is calm, free from negative traits (free from blemishes), and free from its inconsistent nature, such a yogi will align his consciousness with the Universal Consciousness and will be happy within himself (not searching for happiness outside).
Stanza 85:
सर्वभूतस्थमात्मानं सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि ।
ईक्षते योगयुक्तात्मा सर्वत्र समदर्शनः ॥
A person who has achieved equanimity (through yoga) will perceive ME (Supreme Being) in every living being of the universe, developing equal feeling or attitude (bhava) towards them, and such a person even though he is in the field of Action will reach ME without fail.
Stanza 86:
चंचलं हि मनः कृष्ण प्रमाथि बलवद्धृढम् ।
तस्याहं निग्रहं मन्ये वायोरिव सदुष्करम् ॥
Arjuna questions “ Krishna, mind is always wavering and it is strong and powerful. Therefore controlling it is as difficult as controlling the wind, is it not ? ”.
Stanza 87:
असंशयं माहाबाहो मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् ।
अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण च गृह्यते ॥
It is true, controlling the mind is difficult . But with regular practise (of Meditation on the Supreme Being) it is possible.
Stanza 88:
च्चिन्नोभयविभ्रष्टश्छिन्नाभ्रमिव नश्यति ।
अप्रतिष्ठो माहाबाहो विमूढो ब्रह्मणः पथिः ॥
Arjuna said “ Krishna, if one fails to realise the supreme Being in his spiritual pursuit (through the practise of Yoga), will he not loose both the God realisation (attainment of yoga) as well as the worldly life ? ”.
Stanza 89 & 90:
पार्थ नैवेह नामुत्र विनाशस्तस्य विद्यते ।
न हि कल्याणकृत्कश्चिद्दुर्गतिं तात गच्छति ॥
अथ वा योगिनामेव कुले भवति धीमताम् ।
एतद्धि दुर्लभतरं लोके जन्म यदीदृशम् ॥
Lord Krishna said “ he who has failed to attain yoga in this life, will attain higher divine planes of existence after death and after enjoying there for a long period of time, he will return and will be born in the family of yogis. Such great births are not available for the people who do not seek yoga ”.
Stanza 91:
तत्र तं बुद्धिसंयोगं लभते पौर्वदेहिकम् ।
यतते च ततो भूयः संसिद्धौकुरुनन्दन ॥
Having born in the family of great yogis, he will by the very instinct of past life, once again enter into the yogic path to attain yoga. [Like child prodigies carrying forward their talents from their past life.]
Stanza 92:
प्रयत्नाद्यतमानस्तु योगी संशुद्धकिल्बिषः ।
अनेकजन्मसंसिद्धस्ततो याति परां गतिम् ॥
A person who tries to purify himself from all the karma will be able to purify himself after several births with constant and continuous effort, and finally will be to able attain that highest state (yoga).
Stanza 93:
तपस्विभ्योऽधिको योगी ज्ञानिभ्योऽपि मतोऽधिकः।
कर्मिभ्यश्चाधिको योगी तस्माद्योगी भवार्जुन ॥
A yogi is greater than those who perform intense austerities and also greater than those people who are highly knowledgable of scriptures or than those who does good actions.
Stanza 94:
मनुष्याणां सहस्रेषु कश्चिद्यतति सिद्धये ।
यततामपि सिद्धानां कश्चिन्मां वेत्ति तत्त्वतः ॥
Among thousands of people who attempt to realise ME, only one among such people will be able realise ME in total.
Stanza 95:
भूमिरापोऽनलो वायुः खं मनो बुद्धिरेव च ।
अहंकार इतीयं मे भिन्ना प्रकृतिरष्टधा ॥
My nature is expressed in the Universe in the form of earth, water, fire, wind, ether (sky), mind, intellect and ego (individuality) i.e. in eight forms.
Stanza 96:
अपरेयमितस्त्वन्यां प्रकृतिं विद्धि मे पराम् ।
जीवभूतां महाबाहो ययेदं धार्यते जगत् ॥
The first five of my nature is divided into non living and the remaining three are in the living beings.
Stanza 97:
एतद्योनीनि भूतानि सर्वाणीत्युपधारय ।
अहं कृत्स्नस्य जगतः प्रभवः प्रलयस्तथा ॥
All the living beings are the manifestation of the combination of my above two natures. I am the creator of everything in the Universe and also THE cause for its dissolution.
Stanza 98:
मत्तः परतरं नान्यत्किंचिदस्ति धनंजय ।
मयि सर्वमिदं प्रोतं सूत्रे मणिगणा इव ।
There is no greater CAUSE than ME, and the entire creation is within ME.
Stanza 99:
त्रिभिर्गुणमयैर्भावैरेभिः सर्वमिदं जगत् ।
मोहितं नाभिजानाति मामेभ्यः परमव्ययम् ॥
The whole creation is operating in three traits namely Positive (Satva guna), Semi-Positive (Rajas) and Negative (Tamo guna). But I am beyond the three.
Stanza 100:
दैवी ह्येषा गुणमयी मम माया दुरत्यया ।
मामेव ये प्रपद्यन्ते मायामेतां तरन्ति ते ॥
It is difficult to transcend my this veil of illusion (Maya) which is in the form of three traits. But who ever meditates constantly on ME will be able transcend (go beyond) this veil of Maya and will be freed from the worldly attachment.