Natural Meditation-IV (Manana – Repetition)

Natural Meditation-IV (Manana – Repetition)

This is a type of meditation practised in a very diluted manner. A holy word or mantra is constantly repeated mentally without moving tongue and lips during the course of day-to-day activities, like morning or evening walk in the park or at any other safe place or while travelling, where greater concentration of the mind is not required.

As there is no scope for the released karmic forces to move out in this form of meditation, they move out in the form of dreams during sleep in the night. With regular practise dreams will come down.

DO NOT practise this meditation when you are driving or while doing any activity where great concentration of mind is required like working with machines, driving, cutting etc. If practised, you may end up in disaster.


The mantra of Natural Meditation-I can be used to excel in action while doing hard physical work. Those who are in sports can keep repeating the mantra of meditation (SHAANTIHI) while doing action. This repetition keeps the mind one-pointed, concentrating on the work one is doing and also does not allow the metabolic rate in the body to go overboard, thus preventing getting tired quickly.

An athlete while running, walking or cycling etc. can constantly repeat the mantra of meditation so that the mind and body enjoy marginal relaxation and fatigue is not accumulated early and at the same time keep more focused on the job on hand. The athletes also can synchronise their final action with the mantra of meditation so that optimum results could be obtained as in javelin throw, shot put, hammer throw, discus throw etc. Even though one is repeating the mantra of meditation constantly, the final go can be synchronised with the mantra of meditation so as to maximise the effect.

If you are a student, apart from regular meditations, you may also meditate a little late in the night so that the whole day’s mental fatigue is eliminated and you would feel fresh enough to study another two to three hours without falling asleep.

If you are appearing for examinations, just meditate Natural Meditation-I or II before going to any examination. Your mind will be calm and you will be less nervous. Even if the question paper is tough, you will not get upset or lose balance of mind. On the other hand, you will be calm and collected enough to go on with exams to the best of your ability. If you get mentally upset or lose balance of mind, you may not be able to answer to the best of your ability even though you know the answers fully well.

If you are appearing for an interview and waiting for your turn, just do Natural Meditation I or II so that you will be less anxious and relatively relaxed and confident, and will be able to perform better.

If you are highly excited, irritated and have lost your temper at your office or at your work spot, just sit, close your eyes and do Universal Meditation-II for just 5 to 10 minutes. Your mind will cool down and you will be able to handle your emotions better.

” Regret Not ; Failures often leave you with more lessons on life than successes. “

Natural Meditation-III

Natural Meditation-III (Listening Meditation – Shravana Dhyana)

This way of meditation is auditory in nature. In this meditation one listens to repetition of a pure divine mantra, or a hymn with rapt attention. These days electronic repeater (Chanting box) of mantras is available in the market.
Select only one mantra or a hymn which is your most favourite and do not change it often.


  • Sit comfortably in a chair having a perpendicular back or sit on a mat, as you prefer.
  • Arrange your audio system to your left or right or in front, as you prefer.
  • Face north, east or northeast direction, if possible.
  • Now, keep ready your audio system like mantra repeater or CD containing the repetition of mantra of your choice. The choice of the mantra or hymn should not be changed frequently. Stick to one as far as possible. Therefore select the one which is dearest to you. Those who intend to use the natural cosmic rhythms , may download the MP3 files which are listed below. See the note below.
  • Now, inhale and exhale deeply (Natural Deep breathing) about 10-15 times.
  • Switch on the audio system and regulate the volume which is clearly audible but gentle, soft and not jarring upon your ears nor disturbing the neighbours.
  • Now, close your eyes, do not move your tongue and lips, begin to listen to the chanting of the mantra or hymn, with utmost attention, for about thirty minutes.
  • After 30 minutes, open your eyes, switch off the audio system and slowly get into your activities.


In this meditation, the repetition of the mantra , hymn or natural cosmic rhythms are fed from outside and hence the benefits are limited.

The happenings and effects of this Meditation are almost similar to that of Natural Meditation-I to some degree.

All the instructions given under “FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS” under Natural Meditation-I hold good here also.

Those who have chosen this form of meditation may switch over to Natural Meditation – I in course of time.

Natural Meditation-II


  1. Sit comfortably either on a chair having a perpendicular back so that your back is straight or you may sit on the floor spreading a
  2. Make sure that you are sitting comfortably.
  3. Now, inhale and exhale deeply (Natural Deep breathing) about 10-15 times.
  4. Now, close your eyes, easily focus the attention of your mind on your breathing-rhythm (inhaling and exhaling process) and continue to follow your breathing rhythm with attention.
  5. Keep your eyes closed all the time and also do not move your tongue and lips till the end of meditation.
  6. Open your eyes after 30 minutes of meditation and get on with your activities.


As The happenings and effects of this meditation are similar to those of Natural Meditation-I to a limited extent.

All the instructions given under “further instructions” of Natural Meditation-I hold good here also.

Those who have adopted this form of meditation may switch over to Natural Meditation – I in course of time.

natural meditation maanasika japa

Natural Meditation – I (Maanasika Japa) is the HIGHEST and the BEST form of meditation among all meditations.

” Yagnanaam Japayagnosmi “, meaning, ” Among all the spiritual practicses, Japa (Meditation) is MYSELF ” – Lord Krishna at stanza 25

of chapter 10 of Bhagavadhgeetha.

JAPA is nothing but repetition of a pure divine name or a trait or a mantra (a Sanskrit divine word or a phrase, repeated again and again is called MANTRA) associated with UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS.

Vedas describe JAPA as of three types.

विधीयज्ञा ज्जपयज्ञो विशिष्टो दशभिर्गुणै । उपांशुः स्याच्छतगुणः । सहस्त्रो मानसः स्मृतः ।।

  1. Vaikhari Japa :- In this form of Japa, a divine name or a trait or a mantra pertaining to Universal Consciousness (God) is repeated loudly moving tongue and lips in an audible way. Spiritual benefits of this Japa are ten times more than those of homa, yagna and yaga (a kind of Vedic ritual).
  2. Upamshu Japa :- In this form of Japa, a divine name or a trait or a mantra is repeated moving tongue and lips, but inaudible to others. Spiritual benefits of this Japa are a hundred times more than those of homa, yagna and yaga.
  3. Manasika Japa (Meditation) :- In this form of Japa , a divine name or a trait or a mantra is repeated only mentally without moving tongue and lips, closing the eyes. It is inaudible to others. Spiritual benefits in this Japa or meditation are a THOUSAND TIMES more than those of homa, yagna and yaga. Manasika Japa or Meditation is the BEST and HIGHEST form of spiritual practice, because in this form of Japa, the mind is turned INWARD i.e. towards one’s own Self which is the connector to the Universal Self.


  1. Sit comfortably either on a chair having a perpendicular back or sit on the floor on a mat, as you prefer. Make sure that you are sitting comfortably in order to avoid unnecessary movements during meditation.
  2. Keep your head and back straight but be easy, relaxed and comfortable.
  3. Lock your tongue and lips i.e., do not move your tongue and lips because meditation is purely a mental process.
  4. Now, inhale and exhale deeply about 10-15 times. (Refer to Sahaja Pranayama)
  5. Now, close your eyes gently and comfortably (do not open your eyes till you complete the process of meditation).
  6. Now, easily focus the attention of your mind at the spot between the eyebrows (i.e., at the junction point of nose and eyebrows) and REPEAT the mantra “ SHAANTIHI ” or any one of the mantras given below which is of your choice or the name of your family deity, only mentally, without moving tongue and lips, with simple and easy concentration, for about THIRTY minutes.

Select your favorite mantra from the below.

1. Namo Paramaguruve Namaha 11. Namo Ganapathaye Namaha
2. Namo Naaraayanaaya Namaha 12. Namo Vighneshwaraaya Namaha
3. Namo Mahaa Vishnave Namaha 13. Namo Karthikeyaaya Namaha
4. Namo Shivaaya Namaha 14. Namo Subrahmanyaya Namaha
5. Namo Someswaraaya Namaha 15. Namo Saraswathyi Namaha
6. Namo Vasudevaaya Namaha 16. Namo Hanumathe Namaha
7. Namo Venkateshaaya Namaha 17. Namo Suryaya Namaha
8. Namo Krishnaaya Namaha 18. Jai Shree Raam
9. Namo Naarasimhaaya Namaha 19. Jai Hunuman
10. Namo Brahma Devaaya Namaha etc…

Only Absolute divine mantras are to be used for meditation, either from the list given above or from vedic tradition.
donot use the mantras pertaining to lower or darker forces of nature (non divine).
(Throughout meditation, while repeating the mantra of meditation, do not move your tongue and lips and at the same time keep the eyes closed all the time and also be easy, comfortable and natural).

  • Come out of meditation after 30 minutes and slowly get into your activities.

NOTE : Meditation is nothing but mental repetition of a chosen word, with closed eyes, without moving tongue and lips, with simple and easy concentration.

The mantra “SHAANTIHI” in the language of the orient has a very deep meaning. The rough translation of this mantra into English is “PEACE”. But in the orient it depicts the very nature of the UNIVERSAL BEING which is essentially Peace and Absolute Bliss.

Meditation on any of the pure divine mantras given in the list above gradually quells the disturbances and obstacles at physical, mental and spiritual levels and unfolds the experience of the nature of UNIVERSAL BEING. Therefore, substituting this pure divine mantras with any other mantras pertaining to any baba, swamy, prophet or any of the dark forces of nature will lead you to darker realms of creations, BEWARE.

Further, the use of pure divine mantra in meditation very gradually erases or quietens the six fold negative traits in man when meditated upon. The six fundamental negative traits in man are, desire, anger, selfishness, arrogance (egoism), infatuation (attachment) and jealousy.

In meditation, as you focus the attention of your mind at the spot between the eyebrows and repeat the mantra only mentally, innumerable thoughts relating to day-to-day life or otherwise may arise, not only shifting the attention of your mind from the mantra of meditation but also disturbing your concentration. Don’t worry, it is a natural phenomenon. Just bring back the mind, focus it again at the spot between the eyebrows and continue your repetition of the mantra. Again, there may be shifting of your attention by thoughts. It does not matter. Again bring back your mind on to the mantra of meditation and continue your repetition. This may happen several times in each meditation but don’t get perturbed. In course of time, not only will the intensity of thoughts come down but there will also be an increase of concentration in meditation.

Remember, thoughts in meditation are NOT AT ALL a disturbance in meditation but only an integral part of it indicating the purification of different layers of the mind that is going on in meditation.